network drives

Tyler Giddings tgiddings at
Wed Aug 27 19:32:17 UTC 2008

art wrote:
> If I have access to a network drive in Nautilus, with a path name in the 
> address bar in the form of "smb://host/account/file.dir/file" (this is 
> working just fine), what would be the equivalent path name from the $ 
> prompt to display or access the same thing, like with an "ls -lha" 
> command?  Shouldn't this be mounted somewhere? Ubuntu puts an icon on 
> the desktop for this drive after I connect, and if I right click on the 
> icon, one the the options is to "unmount the volume".  I would think 
> this means it is mounted somewhere...
> Art
After you connect to a network drive through gnome it gets mounted in 
the .gvfs folder.


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