Re: The rename command…

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Tue Aug 26 08:23:51 UTC 2008

2008/8/25 Ulf Rompe <Ulf.Rompe at>

> Sorry all for the previous, empty post.
> On Mo, 2008-08-25 at 16:00 +0200, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> > Since there is a serious bug in Nautilus, that adds the very
> > unnecessary text "Link to " to a link created with Ctrl+Shift
> > +Drag&Drop,
> I don't think it's a serious bug. I would call it bad design. :-)
> > rename -v 's/Link to //' *
> >
> > However, there doesn't seem to be an option for recursivity built in
> > to that command. I am not good with scripts, but I am sure there is a
> > way around that.
> find . -type l -print0 | xargs -0 rename -v 's/Link to //'
> [x] ulf
> Tack så mycket! Har inte testat än, men det ser ut som en vettigare lösning
än den jag lyckades komma fram till via vild sökning på nätet:
find . -name "Länk till "* -exec rename -v "s/Länk till //" {} \;
My guess is that your solution might be a bit faster. IN my solution, both
find and rename look for the same thing, kind of…
As everyone can see, I'm a bash beginner but I learn all the time. I think
that my new knowledge of xargs will make me able to do things that I
couldn't before! Thanks again!
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