Cleaning up approx package cache
Daryl Sayers
daryl at
Tue Aug 26 05:54:10 UTC 2008
I have been using an approx cache since Ubuntu 6.06 and I now have files
spanning 6.06, 7.04 and 7.10. I no longer have any 6.06 or 7.04 machines
so I would like to remove any files relating to these releases. My cache is
over 5.5Gig. As I will be moving to 8.04 soon I would like to trim down the
cache to a more manageable size.
Any suggestions.
Daryl Sayers Direct: +612 95525510
Corinthian Engineering Office: +612 95525500
Suite 54, Jones Bay Wharf Fax: +612 95525549
26-32 Pirrama Rd email: daryl at
Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia www:
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