Knowing which process is accessing disk mostly

Owen Townend owen.townend at
Mon Aug 25 23:20:42 UTC 2008

2008/8/16 Florian Diesch <diesch at>:
> "Owen Townend" <owen.townend at> wrote:
>> 2008/8/15 Ashish Yadav <ashishyadav26 at>:
>> There is a console monitor 'atop' which can do network and disk usage
>> per process. The default view is only totals as a kernel patch is
>> required to get the more detailed stats. I too would be interested if
>> there is a monitor out there that can present this type of info
>> without a kernel patch.
> Here (Ubuntu 8.04) atop works with the standard kernel. Pressing "d"
> sorts according to disk activity, "d" shows some disk activity details
>   Florian

So it does, I haven't tried it in a long time because of the original
need for a patch. Great to know!
The network use per process still seems to need a patch though.
Hopefully next time.


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