Screensavers in Ubuntu
Mumia W.
paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Sat Aug 23 00:23:18 UTC 2008
On 08/22/2008 02:00 PM, Sameera Shaakunthala wrote:
> Hi,
> * Can anybody tell me how to remove screensavers from (and also add to) the
> Screensavers list of Ubuntu Screensaver preferences dialog?
> * Are their any online tutorials that teach how to program your own
> screensaver for linux?
I don't know how to do this, but if you invoke "locate screensaver,"
you'll see some relevant files and directories listed. I would suspect
that removing a file from /usr/share/applications/screensavers/ would
disable the associated screensaver.
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