[ubuntu] Re: [OT] flashing mobo bios failed...

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Fri Aug 22 19:56:59 UTC 2008

On Friday 22 August 2008 11:40:56 am Steve! wrote:
> From: "Mikael Backman" <mback99 at glocalnet.net>
> >  I contacted MSI  and could download a msdos utility and a bios data
> > file which I copied to a floppy.. Then I removed the battery on the mobo
> > to reset the cmos..  Tho mobo booted nicely from the mobo..  I let it
> > work for 10 minutes , restarted and Voila!
> > Thanx for helpful  replies..  :)

> Pleased you got sorted, Keep that floppy handy in case it ever happens
> again

What would you do if your machine has no floppy?  With a blown BIOS there 
wouldn't be USB either would there?  CD also isn't there without the BIOS so 
a floppyless machine would be completely dead wouldn't it?  Although 
successful with my update of BIOS on this laptop, I think I have just 
frieghten myself out of ever doing it again!!!!  Glad you are back up and 
running Mikael.  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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