how to verify installation?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Fri Aug 22 12:31:23 UTC 2008

David Fox wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Randall J. Parr <RParr at> wrote:
>> How do I do the equivalent verification (or something similar) on a
>> Debian/Ubuntu deb based system?
> You probably want/need the "debsums" package. From there, you can run
> it to check the md5sums of all the files/packages that are installed
> on your system.
> I've had to do exactly that due to some issues I have had recently -
> on a brand new SATA Western Digital drive about a month ago, on a
> brand new AMD64 system I put together (with some help). It may have
> had bizarre fs issues but it seems those have been solved, hopefully.
> There were some times when I downloaded some files and I couldn't get
> the md5sums to match expected values (for instance large ISOs and rar
> sessions would unexpectedly fail, or give wrong results).
> Seems to be better now (knock wood), although this system has been
> known to run hot (>62 deg C, according to 'acpi -V' when running
> something like stellarium for an extended period of time along with
> running setiathome/boinc).
> Anyway, try debsums. The packages that fail will show up as "FAIL" in
> the log. It'll write a fairly large logfile - you can pipe or tee it,
> and then grep for FAIL and then go through that list and do aptitude
> reinstall on those packages.

Reading this also reminded me that your drive could be suffering from a 
loose cable or card, or possibly memory seating issues...something 
became corrupt and was written to the drive so it's *possible* that 
reseating things will help the issue.

I'd still keep a really recent backup for awhile and consider getting 
another drive to replace it, though.

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