[lde4.1}Desk top missing

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Fri Aug 22 02:00:25 UTC 2008

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

> Thanks Bart, that's exactly what I did with oo.O
> opened a doc file and saved it to the old user
> Desktop(/home/lchata/Desktop) and it never showed up
> in the GUI or file system. Also have this problem
> downloading files to the Desktop. As a current check,
> I just downloated "ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-amd64.iso"
> from http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ and it
> does show up in the file system but not on the desktop
> GUI. I'll try the same thing in the new users window
> and see what happens.  Thanks for your help.

This is sounding more and more like a "feature" in KDE that is hiding 
icons. There must be a configuration program of some kind to check 
this...a preference or something.

Is there a configuration tool of some kind geared towards KDE if you 
search through Synaptic?

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