SOLVED [ubuntu] Re: [OT] flashing mobo bios failed...

Mikael Backman mback99 at
Thu Aug 21 13:35:47 UTC 2008

Steve! skrev:
> I really should have read the line that told me what board it was!
> Hopefully some info there that will help you. Your BIOS will look for a 
> .bin/.img file on it's own though, so if the above link doesn't help, you 
> need to know what the name of the file is that it looks for and rename the 
> file on floppy to that.
> Steve!
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Graham Watkins" < at>
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions" 
> <ubuntu-users at>
> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:27 AM
> Subject: [ubuntu] Re: [OT] flashing mobo bios failed...
>> James Takac wrote:
>>> Hi Michael
>>> On Sunday 17 August 2008 08:08:50 Mikael Backman wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I flashed the bios of one of my cumputers.. It failed..  Now it wont
>>>> boot....  Is there some way to save the mobo  or is it just junk now?
>>>> Its a msi k9vgm-v
>>>> /Mikael
>>> You might be able to contact to manufacturer of the mobo and get a new 
>>> bios
>>> chip or if know someone with the same mobo could conceivably use their 
>>> chip
>>> to boot then put yours back and reflash. If none of that is available 
>>> then
>>> you may well need a new mobo. or if someone else's same mobo has died and 
>>> you
>>> can get a hold of it you may have a working bios chip in it?
>>> James
>> The following info may be useful. I once messed up my bios when trying
>> to install a graphics card.  I was advised to locate a jumper on the
>> board, remove it for a few seconds and then replace it.  This had the
>> effect of restoring my bios to factory settings and permitted me to
>> recover the system.  Check out your motherboard's manual to find out if
>> and where such a jumper exists. I don't know if it will work for a
>> failed flash upgrade but it must be worth a try.
>> -- 
>> Graham Watkins
>> "To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows
>> box, you just need to work on it."
>> SecurityFocus columnist Scott Granneman.
>> -- 
>> ubuntu-users mailing list
>> ubuntu-users at
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I contacted MSI  and could download a msdos utility and and bios data 
file which I copied to a floppy.. Then I removed the battery on the mobo 
to reset the cmos..  Tho mobo booted nicely from the mobo..  I let it  
work for 10 minutes , restarted and Voila!
Thanx for helpful  replies..  :)


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