[lde4.1}Desk top missing

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 21 03:55:35 UTC 2008

--- NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 08/20/2008 05:39 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > --- Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at chrononomicon.com>
> > wrote:
> [snip]
> >> When you go into your ~/Desktop folder and do an
> "ls
> >> -alh", what shows up?
> >>
> > Hey Bart,
> > Not sure about how to do this.  What I did was to
> > launch openoffice.org and a document from my
> Documents
> > folder and "save as" it to the Desktop in my old
> home.
> >  It did not copy to the GUI Desktop or file system
> > Desktop as shown by ls -alh. I haven't yet
> reviewed
> > all your replies but will to see if you had more
> > specific suggestions.  I think you did.
> Use the terminal:
> ls -alh
> If you have two users then:
> cd /home/<user>
> and use ls -alh to compare the two to see if you a
> missing a folder in
> one or the other.
They are not, of course, the same. The old user home
has more files because it's has some tweaking and the
new user home is a default setup with only the oldhome
folder created and a copy of my old home Desktop in
If you want to see them, let me know and I'll post the
output of ls -alh for each. It would be difficult for
me to determine if a standard file was missing in
either or both homes even though I've scanned my home
folder many times.

> Regarding "Desktop missing"; can you explain again
> just what you are
> missing, or perhaps post a screenshot someplace?
Since the power failure, my old home desktop(and the
new user home also) is completely blank except for a
konsole launch icon I've added to it recently.  The
files that are missing were :
Linux history
All of which represents a fair amount of googling and
downloading on my part.
These files are in the file system in obviously
/home/urername/Desktop but they do not show up on the
Desktop GUI as they did before the power failure. And
repeating myself, e2fsck -cckv and -p found no issues.
HTH you,

BTW, If I posted a screen shot, I know how, it would
only show a blank Desktop with the default background,
the konsole launcher icon I just recently added and my
tweaked panel sys tray or whatever it's called. What
keeps me from posting a screen shot is I don't know
where to do it and have never uploaded anything

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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