[kubuntu] Re: Upgrade problems 7.10 > 8.04 LTS

Rick Knight rick_knight at rlknight.com
Wed Aug 20 17:31:47 UTC 2008

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> On 08/19/2008 01:28 PM, Rick Knight wrote:
>>> NoOp wrote:
>>>> On 08/19/2008 11:03 AM, Rick Knight wrote:
>>>>> Just an update.
>>>>> My wireless does work, but only when I start it
>> manually with this 
>>>>> command...
>>>>> $ sudo wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -i eth0 -c
>> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
>>>>> $sudo dhclient eth1
>>>>> Prior to the upgrade to 8.04, my wireless
>> started automatically.
>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>> Rick
>>>> I wonder if the /etc/network/interfaces file is
>> getting messed up. Can
>>>> you post:
>>>> cat /etc/network/interfaces
>>> NoOp,
>>> I removed Knemo and installed network-manager-kde
>> and knetwork-manager. 
>>> Now my networking is working at startup in
>> Kdesktop and in terminal 
>>> mode. Wireless still needs to be started manually
>> with wpa_supplicant 
>>> and dhclient. Any way to automate this in 8.04
>>> BTW I installed 8.04 with KDE3, not KDE4.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rick
>> Sorry, you'll have to wait for a 'K' guy to help any
>> further - I'm a 'G'
>> guy :-)
> snip
> Well I'm a k-guy but no expert by any stretch of the
> imagination.. So be forewarned. I have
> network-manager-kde installed but not knetwork-manager
> on my kde 4.1. If I recall correctly trying to set up
> a connection on different managers may conflict so I'd
> recommend only using one. And IIRC again, the manager
> should have a listing for your wifi card if you have
> the proper driver installed. How does your setup check
> out with the above so far, if it doesn't it's
> something to check out and fix. If none of the above
> offers you a solution you might try kwifimanager as
> your setup tool. I think all should allow setup of a
> wireless system but for sure the kwifimanager does and
> you should be able to set up you wpa-suplicant also. I
> use the less secure WEP key for my wireless on another
> machine  which I don't use but still works.  The card
> is a linksys WPM54G using a RaLink rt61pci
> driver(module) and was very difficult to set up. I had
> to install the diver, after googling for the correct
> one to install, with the card in place, then shutdown
> and remover the card, restart without card, then
> shutdown and install card again then restart all
> according to directions I found on the card by
> googling. Ridiculous wasn't it. In order to keep from
> doing a sudo ifdown wlan0 and sudo ifup wlan0
> everytime I booted up I had to add those commands to
> /etc/rc.local to make the wireless active on boot up
> as advised by the list.  Don't have your original post
> available so don't know which card you have.  But you
> may find a lot of useful info on how to install it in
> Ubuntu by googling for you card ID or how to install
> your card in ubuntu.  I'm sure you'll get lots of hits
> with useful info. HTH and sorry I can't give you more
> help but that's about all I remember in getting my
> wifi card to work. If you get no other help from the
> list googling is you frend and likely will provide an
> answer as someone is likely to have the problem before
> you. Good luch. You'll get it donel
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Thanks Leonard for the reply.

I have an Intel 2200 BG wireless card in an HP Notebook PC. Yesterday I 
was finally able to get the wireless mostly working. It's not automatic 
at boot, but it's pretty close. I removed Knemo, Knetwork-manager, 
Wifi-radar (not sure where some of these came from) and installed 
Wireless Assistant. Now when I boot and need a WiFi connection, I just 
start Wireless Assistant and select the connection I want. Works great.

Thanks, Rick

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