Grub and USB

Karl Larsen k5di at
Wed Aug 20 15:32:07 UTC 2008

David Fox wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Karl Larsen <k5di at> wrote:
>>    People on this list have said it is a simple matter to get a USB
>> hard drive to boot if you put the grub root at /media/disk/. I say you
> It should be. Remember that the mount point is a partition - it's
> simply mounted at /media/disk, when you go into that directory, you
> are basically using the drive and/or partition.
    Actually it is the drive. It has just one partition and that is 
really simple.
>  It should be a simple
> matter for grub to do this by adding the --grub-install /media/disk
> /dev/sdb) if that is the right device for your drive and/or stick.
    That will not work for me. I think it is very sensitive to what is 
where reading man grub-install. So I did it right, at last with the grub 
system. I used:

grub root (hd1,0)

grub setup (hd1)

and this worked fine. I screwed up and used

grub root (hd1,0)

grub setup (hd1,0)

This worked but the setup was not at the MBR of the hard drive. But alas 
it is now correct but it still doesn't work. I think my BIOS is flacky. 
And I am tired of trying.


> grub should easily figure out everything relative to /dev/sdb being
> the root of the new setup, because you're going to be booting off of
> it, not the hard drive normally.
>> that. In fact I did a df and it calls the USB hard drive /dev/sdb1. now
>> /dev/sdb1 is (hd1,0) which I can work with. I will try getting grub
> No, the usb hard drive is still /dev/sdb, and the first partition is
> on /dev/sdb1, and grub is zero based, so (hd0 = the partition of the
> usb stick, which should be /dev/sdb). I don't believe grub actually
> references the device, but only relative locations within it.
> Otherwise it would be more difficult, because you can't depend that
> the usb stick will be /dev/sdb when you try and boot it.
>> Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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