Ubuntu 8.04

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Wed Aug 20 00:42:31 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> Modern systems not only can recognize a USB drive in grub - they can
>>> recognize it in the BIOS.
>>     My 2 year old motherboard will not recognize it. It has zero ability
>> to mount a USB devise.
> That happens - but just because _you_ have a machine that can't boot off USB
> you jump to the conclusion that it's impossible.  fwiw, I suspect you have
> the only 2-year old motherboard that can't boot from USB.  My five-year old
> board can, and it was pretty common by then.

I think he thought it was impossible before, and now he's trying to 
follow the information you and others are passing now...in other words, 
his assertion was incorrect before, and now he's trying to puzzle it out 
with everyone else now.

I think Karl may benefit from taking a softer stance on his statements 
until he verifies information...instead of saying it was impossible, 
instead he could have said he's never had luck making it work and 
possibly outlining what he's done before. By passing information as if 
he's proven already, he's ruffled feathers, but he does try to keep 
learning as he goes along and I think that's a good point. Other people 
on the list will immediately fly into a psychotic fit in his position, 
and he doesn't...I'd rather encourage some gentle encouragement because 
of that disposition, but of course, that's up to everyone else how they 
want to react :-)

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