Desk top missing

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Tue Aug 19 14:41:08 UTC 2008

--- Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at>

> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > --- Bill Taylor <th1bill at> wrote:
Big Snip,
> > Maybe some kde users like Derek
> can
> > offer some help to us, hopefully. 
> What I would probably end up doing is create a new
> *administrative* 
> user (so the new userid can sudo). Log in as the new
> user, copy the 
> previous user directory to the new user directory
> (like under a ~/temp 
> folder or ~/oldhome). Then use the utilities to
> delete the old user, and 
> recreate the old username as an administrative user
> and copy the old 
> data to the now recreated username.
> It may not restore the data to the exact same state,
> but it may fix the 
> problem you're seeing. Using chown -R back to the
> proper ownership after 
> each step should give you access to your data.
> That's one possible fix, though.
Thanks Bart, for your reply and answer. I'm not sure
I'm up to the fairly complex task you provide.  But I
will keep your response in my Debian folder to use
whenever I get the courage to try it.  Thanks again
for you efforts,

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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