finding app using Win/Super key shortcuts

Ashish Yadav ashishyadav26 at
Tue Aug 19 09:21:22 UTC 2008

Apologies for previous mail, my mail delivery was off.

Thanks Marcin , I can now use those shortcuts.

However my function keys to stop/resume playback are still not
working. I could configure them in Amarok in Fedora, however  if I try
to configure in Ubuntu some time they get register some time they
don't. Also if I somehow get them registered they don't work all the
time. If I see them get registered they show up like XF86AudioStop in

If they don't work anytime they would have been registered elsewhere,
however why they work some time and doesn't some other time?



"There are 10 types of people; those who understand binary, and those who don't"

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