playing dvd

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at
Mon Aug 18 16:31:47 UTC 2008

norman wrote:
> I am not sure about using all the features but I solved my immediate
> problem by installing and running 'regionset'. I changed the region
> setting to suit my region (2) and all appears to be well.
> Norman
I setup Kubuntu 8.04 to play DVDs really EASY.  It was easier than 
setting up DVD playback in Ubuntu 8.04.  Kubuntu uses Kaffine as a video 
player instead of Totem, that might be the reason for it because the 
player is what prompted me to install the library for encrypted 
commercial DVDs.  Kaffine already supports DVD menus out of the box, 
unlike Totem.  In Ubuntu with Gnome and the Totem video player getting 
encrypted commercial DVDs to play is an adventure all by itself.  Lets 
just say it ain't easy and straight forward.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
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