Deleting locked files.

Paul Hartman paul at
Mon Aug 18 03:14:00 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 01:02:49PM +1000, James Takac wrote:
> Hi
> On Monday 18 August 2008 11:51:02 Pattisue Mulder wrote:
> > I copied some files from a CD onto the desktop and the folder has a
> > padlock on there a way to delete this file...I don't want it on
> > the desktop.
> I'm assuming you have a gnome desktop, aka, regular ubuntu. type ALT F2 to 
> bring up a launcher then in it type 
> sudo nautilus
> That'll open up a file browser with root privilages. Just be carefull what you 
> modify/delete though
> James
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The command given in the last post will work, however in some cases it may cause problems. 
For cli programs the command sudo is the one to use. With the Gnome Desktop however use the command gksu
Kubuntu also has a command for it that works like sudo.

Please don't ask me to explain why you shouldn't use the sudo command. It was explained to me at one time however all I remember from the converstaion was "for Gnome programs use the 
command "gksu"". The explination did make sense though. I will try to find the reason on the net.

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