Opera & Seamonkey Issues-Can't Launch From K Menu Or Panel Icon But Only Can From CLI

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 17 22:27:00 UTC 2008

Have posted this issue but no solution.  So will try
another approach. If there's someone in user land
running KDE 4.1 Hardy up-to -date who is able to
launch these apps from K menu or panel icon or from
gnome menu or panel icon for that matter would you be
so kind to post your panel icon settings that work for
you.  When I first loaded seamonkey and opera from the
distros using aptitude they did not show up in the K
menu or sys tray.  Had to use right click K menu->menu
editor to add them and right click panel icon->icon
settings to modify icon properties.  They never have
worked even after revision.
Here are my panel icon info:

For Seamonkey:
General Tab
Type: Desktop Configuration File
Location: /home/lchata/.local/share/application
Size: 442 B (442)
Modified:2008-08-17 07:58
Accessed:2008-08-17 07:59

Application Tab
Name: Seamonkey Navigator
Description: Web Browser
Command: seamonkey-browser %u
Work path: /usr/bin/seamonkey
If an item is not listed it was/is blank including
Supported file types: (even though it was originally)

For Opera:
General Tab
Type: Desktop Configuration File
Location: /home/lchata/.local/share/application
Size: 358 B (358)
Modified:2008-08-17 08:01
Accessed:2008-08-17 08:01

Application Tab
Name: Opera
Description: Web Browser
Command: opera %u
Work path: /usr/bin/opera
If an item is not listed it was/is blank including
Supported file types: (even though it was originally)

Firefox which works fine, location entry is
/usr/share/applications and has entries for both
opera.desktop and seamonkey.desktop but I haven't
discovered a way to change the location in the panel
icon settings
Googling hasn't helped. Thanks for any help,
suggestions or links,

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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