For newbies rutebook
"aec$news" at
Sun Aug 17 21:02:31 UTC 2008
Doug Pollard wrote:
> A while back somone on this list suggested loading and reading Rutebook.
> As far as I am concerned that was a stroke of geniouse. It is the best
> tutorial I have ever read on any technical subject. It is straight to
> the point and doesn't explain anything that doesn't need to be known for
> the particlar subject being read at the moment. Evey little shor
> unmemorable two and three letter command has had it's meaning spelled
> out so you have a reference to remeber by. I find it's much easyier to
> rember for example "change diectory than CD. I can't get my mind around
> cd it's not anchored to anything. But the biggest thing I learned is
> that in the past I have read something and felt dumb if I didn't
> understand it. He lets you know to read everything three times, do the
> exercise and don't move on until you know the subject.
> I have been reading off and on a couple days for a total of one good
> days reading and have learned more than I have in all the reading I have
> done on linux put together. I haven't learned a lot but what I have
> learned," I KNOW." One thing I think I have found is I am not just
> dumb ,this stuff is hard. I can't stress enough how good this tutorial
> is for newbies.
> Doug
thanks for this - I have noted it and will be using it in the future
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