OT: validating DNS

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 16 19:21:21 UTC 2008

On 08/16/2008 11:16 AM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Can anybody recommend _free_ tools for validating my DNS?
> While checking that my ISP had finally (much too late, imo) applied the
> patches for the DNS vulnerability Dan Kaminsky found (and if you run a
> business, or are just reasonably paranoid, and don't know what I'm talking
> about, run to http://www.doxpara.com), I ended up at dnsstuff.com, which
> reports "critical" errors for my domain.  I have my doubts - though I
> confess there are some oddities - but I'll be damned if I'm giving them a
> credit card number to see their report.
> Nothing else I've checked sees errors at all, let alone critical ones.

Something like this?


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