flight simulators

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 10:51:21 UTC 2008

2008/8/16 Mario Spinthiras <spinthiras.mario at gmail.com>:
> Dear Fellow geeks,
> It is not until recently that I have become obsessed with aviation (this can
> be seen from my last blog post :) ). In the spirit of a good linux user my
> first search was for a flight simulator. Though I have found 2-3 I felt
> morally compelled to seek feedback on any flight simulators in linux that
> you have used or use at the present before diving into any of them. Any
> recommendations , pros and cons are more than welcome.

Google Earth has a flight simulator. I have not used it, but I do have
it installed.

Dotan Cohen


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