Best E-Mail Client

Sridhar M.A. mas at
Sat Aug 16 02:42:46 UTC 2008

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 08:31:23PM -0400, Hal Burgiss wrote:
   > On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 08:21:27PM -0400, David McNally wrote:
   > > 
   > > I'm looking for an email client that does everything that Microsoft Outlook
   > > does, and just as well (or better)
   > Best email client? That might be a job for mutt, which, as they say,
   > sucks, but sucks less. Faster, infinitely more secure, infinitely less
   > buggy, in fact damn near crash proof, integrates well with Unix shells
   > (a huge plus), works over remote connections, can use your text editor
   > of choice (and of course there is only one sane choice), integrates
   > well with procmail, portable - use it anywhere anytime, etc. 
Anybody tried sup here? Looking through their site and forums feel it is
not yet ready to replace mutt.


Sridhar M.A.                                 GPG KeyID : F6A35935
  Fingerprint: D172 22C4 7CDC D9CD 62B5  55C1 2A69 D5D8 F6A3 5935

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