(OT)Re: Number One Bug and the Olympics

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 01:59:33 UTC 2008

Wasn't there supposed to be a Linux version of Micro$oft's
Silverlight?  I forget what its called but I'm certain I've heard of
it before.  I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics on my Vista
(ack) laptop and was very impressed with the show.  Best opening
ceremony of any Olympics I've watched ever.  The Chinese have really
shown what they are truly capable of.

Anywho, I was sort of impressed with Silverlight.  It worked pretty
well, a FAST, especially in Firefox 3.  I've had problems with Flash
in the past on WinXP, Vista, and Ubuntu.  Recently upgraded to Flash10
on my Vista machine and many of those problems have done away.  The
main one is random lockups and BSOD when watching Flash video in full
screen for too long.  With Flash10 that's gone.  Can't wait for
Flash10 for Linux to come out of Beta.  I'm impressed with its Windows
counterpart, its faster and uses less system resources.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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