screen resolution “Not Optimum Mode”

Linda Vest Castanos dcastanos at
Sat Aug 16 00:01:25 UTC 2008

When I boot up and shut down Ubuntu (8.04 Hardy Heron), I get the
following message like a floating screen saver. How do I get rid of it.

“Not Optimum Mode”

Recommended Mode

1280 X 1024 60 HZ”

XP resolution is 1024 X 728 which I'm happy with.
(System-Preference-Screen Resolution) under Ubuntu reads “1280 X 1024 .
When I switch XP to “1280 X 1024 60 HZ”, it's to small. I would be happy
to get rid of the so call 'screen saver' “Not Optimum Mode” and be done
with it.

Any suggestions?


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