Nigel Henry
cave.dnb2m97pp at
Fri Aug 15 19:10:10 UTC 2008
On Friday 15 August 2008 18:51, Ulin the Tech Mage wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 18:38 +0200, Leo Cacciari wrote:
> > Il giorno ven, 15/08/2008 alle 11.27 -0500, Ulin the Tech Mage ha
> >
> > scritto:
> > > On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 12:18 -0400, Doug Pollard wrote:
> > > > Ulin the Tech Mage wrote:
> > > > > On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 12:42 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> > > > >> NoOp wrote:
> > > > >>> On 08/14/2008 05:38 PM, andrea phillips wrote:
> > > > >>>> I feel if you ask for help and someone is able to help thats
> > > > >>>> good but you dont have to call people stupid you didnt know all
> > > > >>>> you know when you got ubuntu so i think we should be a little
> > > > >>>> nicer to everyone as well as ourselfs your bad day is yours and
> > > > >>>> if you dont want anyone to email you unscribe thanks.
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> Did I miss something?
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Probably - neither my local nntp server or google has any visible
> > > > >> posts in the only thread that andrea seems to have participated.
> > > > >> KNode has headers, but can't downloaded the messages.
> > > > >> --
> > > > >> derek
> > > > >
> > > > > I agree with her though. we as experienced linux people need to
> > > > > remember not to allow our egos to cloud our manners. and we need to
> > > > > remember that we all need help with something or another
> > > > > eventually. no one is perfect at everything. this is one of the
> > > > > reasons that I have not posted in a while. one of the last posts i
> > > > > had, i was flamed. that is simply not acceptable. I have been
> > > > > working with linux for 9 years now. I am not a newbie by any
> > > > > means, but the stuff i was working on is stuff that i have never
> > > > > messed with before.
> > > >
> > > > I have a suspicion that this person is referring to a post I made a
> > > > while back on someone thought I had not read enough. I was frustrated
> > > > and had sat up half the night reading and I lost my temper and said
> > > > something about being called stupid. In fact no one did and I
> > > > apologized to the list for my own remark. The stupid remark had more
> > > > to do with how I was feeling about myself than anything any one said.
> > > > Doug
> > >
> > > it was not you. it was a dude named leo. I have read most of his
> > > comments and they all show an over inflated ego.
> >
> > I would like you to stop calling me names, even when it is totally
> > uncalled for. The mail you answered did not refer to your post, but to
> > the OP one. I'm really trying to be calm, but I ask you again to avoid
> > calling me names. By the way, I never ever told you you can address me
> > by my first name, that's for friends.
> >
> > --
> > Leo Cacciari
> when did i call you anything other than your first name. it you read the
> whole message you would see that we are talking about matters like this.
> I do not want to argue. i am just pointing out that if we want users to
> switch away from M$ then we have to mind our manners. besides man a
> harsh words never is helpfull whatsoever. there is never a need to
> flame anyone. if you don't wish to respond, then don't. but don't
> respond to a honest question with an over inflated ego and expect people
> to like you. quit burning bridges man. trust me no one is as good as
> they think they are.
I think it's the word "dude" that Mr Leo Cacciari is referring to.
And to Mr Cacciari.
Mailing lists are a lot different than speaking face to face with a stranger
for example. You may ask someones name, and they may reply John Smith, but
you would address them as Mr Smith, unless they told you to do otherwise.
On mailing lists I've always used the first names of those that I am replying
to, and have never had any complaints.
Another example.
I'm on the Debian French mailing list, and in France, and other countries in
europe, there are familiar, and unfamiliar ways of using the English word
"you". The word "vous" (you) is used when speaking to strangers. The word
"tu" is used when speaking with close friends, family members, and animals.
Quite when vous progresses to tu, I'm not sure, but at some during a
relationship, whether between friends or otherwise, someone uses the word
"tu", and the other person responds, also using "tu", and immediately you are
in a close friendship with the other person, and that's by just changing
"vous" to "tu". The use of language is amazing eh!
Back though to the French Debian mailing list, everyone, pretty much without
exception uses "tu", the familiar form of you, which you wouldn't dare to use
if speaking face to face with a stranger, yet nobody complains. This is just
the way of folks that post to the mailing lists, and nobody usually takes
I've just helped someone to resolve a problem on this list. I know his name,
but have never seen him, and don't even know where he lives, but just helping
out is a reward in itself, and he did say "thankx", which is nice.
2ยข worth of Friday evening ramblings, with my dog wanting me to go and play
with him in the garden, and me stuck to the computer screen.
Now back into the garden with my dog.
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