
steve sfreilly at
Fri Aug 15 16:24:55 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Ulin the Tech Mage wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 12:42 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 08/14/2008 05:38 PM, andrea phillips wrote:
>>>> I feel if you ask for help and someone is able to help thats good but
>>>> you dont have to call people stupid you didnt know all you know when
>>>> you got ubuntu so i think we should be a little nicer to everyone as
>>>> well as ourselfs your bad day is yours and if you dont want anyone to
>>>> email you unscribe thanks.
>>> Did I miss something?
>> Probably - neither my local nntp server or google has any visible posts in
>> the only thread that andrea seems to have participated.  KNode has headers,
>> but can't downloaded the messages.
>> -- 
>> derek
> I agree with her though.  we as experienced linux people need to
> remember not to allow our egos to cloud our manners. and we need to
> remember that we all need help with something or another eventually.  no
> one is perfect at everything.  this is one of the reasons that I have
> not posted in a while.  one of the last posts i had, i was flamed. that
> is simply not acceptable.  I have been working with linux for 9 years
> now.  I am not a newbie by any means, but the stuff i was working on is
> stuff that i have never messed with before.  

the list is in a lot of ways the same as dealing with the public, but
you get to hide behind a computer screen.....some people take full
advantage of that situation....just like other lists I belong too I see
acts of this nature alot more..... there are always going to be people
such as that. The day you realize and accept it, and move on, the better
you will feel.

The trolls will come and go, but the true spirit of the linux community
will always be here.

- --
Steve Reilly
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