Knowing which process is accessing disk mostly

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Fri Aug 15 13:18:20 UTC 2008

"Joep L. Blom" <jlblom at>  said:
> For this task I use gkrellm.It can be installed with synaptic.
> It gives all relevant hardware information (temp, fan-speed,
> voltages, disks, etc.).
> I use it over 4 years in diferent Linux flavors.
> Joep

I use gps started from gkrellm's GKrellm-bfm.  It's a graphical
representation of top and you may sort by clicking on the top tabs.  To
see what's using your CPU just click ion the CPU tab.

Cybe R. Wizard
I just realized that to run Netscape from my Windows OS
I have to type <START>, P(rograms), A(pps), I(nternet),
N(etscape).  <START> P, A, I, N. Coincidence? You be the judge.

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