List entries - gmail

Rich Renomeron rrenomeron at
Fri Aug 15 01:28:58 UTC 2008

Leo Cacciari wrote:
> Il giorno lun, 11/08/2008 alle 11.35 -0400, Verde Denim ha scritto:
>> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Bas Roufs <basroufs at>
>> wrote:
>>         Hello everybody
>>         > Is there a way to get my list entries/responses to show up
>>         on the list?
>> [snip]
> This comes out every once in a while. Yes, someone is blocking you from
> seeing your posts. gmail does it. They even say that somewhere, they do
> this «to avoid cluttering your mailbox» (!). Your messages are in your
> _sent_ folder. 

If you create a filter with the web interface that applies a label to
all messages that contain the words "", all
messages from the list, including those that you send, will appear when
you view that label (with the web interface) or that folder (with IMAP).

Your messages will not have the "Ubuntu Users Mailing List" information
at the bottom of the message, but that should not be an issue.


  From the Notebook of Rich Renomeron
  Can you be a closet claustrophobic?

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