
Derek Broughton news at
Fri Aug 15 01:05:21 UTC 2008

andrea phillips wrote:

> I feel if you ask for help and someone is able to help thats good but you
> dont have to call people stupid you didnt know all you know when you got
> ubuntu so i think we should be a little nicer to everyone as well as
> ourselfs your bad day is yours and if you dont want anyone to email you
> unscribe thanks.


1) Quote and reply.  Starting a new thread to complain about previous posts
without letting us know what you're talking about is unfair to everybody.

2) Write sentences.  

3) Never, ever, reply to a post on a mailing list via personal email unless
the poster asks you to.  Private, unrequested, posts are rude.

And actually, many people here _were_ Linux experts already when they got
Ubuntu.  ubuntu was just a slightly different form of Debian in those days.

Yes we should all try to be polite and helpful, or we shouldn't be here, but
some people really make it hard to help them.

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