nvidia restricted starts in save mode only

Michael Vogt quickmike at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 10:56:16 UTC 2008

Hello Leonard.

Thanks again for your answer. And I got so far now, that the 3D
functions of the card

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 17:11, Leonard Chatagnier
<lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> ?? Sorry, don't understand what you mean.
> Sorry, remember I said, no expert here. I don't think
> my suggestion has any bearing after I checked my
> /etc/modules and /etc/modprob.d/blacklist files and
> your orig post. I was assuming that you knew how to do
> a "sudo nano /etc/modules and add you video driver to
> it.
I sure know how to handle vi and nano. I just did not get what you
meant. Surely my fault, sorry.

> You might try adding via synaptic package manager:
> linux-restricted-modules-<your-kernel-nubmer>  and
> nvidia-new-kernel-source-envy-173.14.12+<your kernel
> no.>
> nvidia-glx-new-envy-<same as above>
The first 2 packages have been installed, but the last one was
missing. After installation and restart, I have the fast screen
display back. Thanks a ton.

The other suggestions you gave did not help.

One problem still exists: I can't open the nvidia settings panel. When
opening it, I still get the error message
"You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X
configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart
the X server. "

Running nvidia-xconfig and restart does not help.

Interesstingly, when opening the Hardware Drivers panel, it says, that
the "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver" is not enabled. Enabling it,
shows the same problem as before (starting up in low-graphics mode)
and nvidia-glx-new-envy is deinstalled again.

So, final question: How to get the NVIDIA X Server settings working,
so I can change screen resolution reliably, and maybe connect an
external screen?

Thanks a ton,

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