Problems changing DNS servers in network manager Intrepid

Lorenzo Taylor daxlinux at
Wed Aug 13 20:46:16 UTC 2008

Testing the latest Ubuntu Intrepid amd64 I am having problems changing
the DNS servers used. It seems that Network Manager is ignoring the DNS
servers I put in the text box even after I set the connection to
"Automatic with manual DNS settings". This is my step-by-step actions in
case I'm doing something wrong.

1. Right click the network manager icon in the panel and click Edit
2. Select Auto eth0 from the list of connections and click Edit.
3. Click the IPv4 Settings tab.
4. Choose Automatic with manual DNS settings from the Method drop-down
5. In the DNS Servers text box, type
6. In the Search Domains text box, type "opennic.glue". I'm not sure if
this is needed, but it never hurt anything in the past.
7. Click OK and close the network manager window.

At this point, nothing happens. /etc/resolv.conf still shows the DNS
servers provided by my ISP. I tried clicking on Auto eth0 in the menu
after left-clicking on the network manager icon, but I only get a
notification that says that the connection has been established and I
then am unable to use the internet. I can't seem to get the connection
back until I restart the computer, at which time I get the DNS servers
back from my ISP instead of the Opennic servers that I put in the
network manager. Checking the network manager settings for this
connection shows that my settings have reverted to the defaults. There
are no DNS servers listed, and the method says Automatic again.

Did I do something wrong or do I need to file a bug against network

Thanks for any help,

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