Any tutorials -RUTEBOOK

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Aug 13 15:13:05 UTC 2008

On 08/13/2008 08:07 AM, Doug Pollard wrote:
> Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk wrote:
>> 2008/8/13 Doug Pollard <dougpol1 at>:
>>> Here is the comand I typed in
>>> /usr/share/doc/rutebook
>>> below is bash reply
>>> bash: /usr/share/doc/rutebook: is a directory
>> The first word of a command line, besides some exceptions, should be
>> the name of a program or the name of an internal shell command. To
>> enter a directory, use 'cd /usr/share/doc/rutebook' (cd is an internal
>> shell command). A directory name by itself is not a valid command in
>> bash, though it is in some other shells which assume an implicit cd in
>> such case.
>> In Gnome you could also say 'gnome-open /usr/share/doc/rutebook' to
>> invoke the default GUI action associated with the object, here a
>> directory, which would be opened in Nautilus.
> Ok put in this
> -desktop:~$ cd /usr/share/doc/rutebook
> and recieved this
> doug at doug-desktop:/usr/share/doc/rutebook$
> What do I do with that !
> Hopefully if I can get into rutebook and read a lot of the will come 
> easyier.
> Thanks Doug

Put in what marcin suggested:

gnome-open /usr/share/doc/rutebook

that will open Nautilus. Now double-click on the rute.pdf.gz file.

Also, if you prefer to read in html; open FireFox and enter:


in the url bar. That will open the html version.

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