Any tutorials -RUTEBOOK
Joep L. Blom
jlblom at
Wed Aug 13 15:05:49 UTC 2008
Doug Pollard schreef:
> Doug Pollard wrote:
>> Doug Pollard wrote:
>>> Joep L. Blom wrote:
>>>> Nils Kassube schreef:
>>>>> Bill Walton wrote:
>>>>>> Is usr/share/doc
>>>>>> the default location for downloads?
>>>>> No, /usr/share/doc is the default location for documentation for installed
>>>>> packages. BTW: You can find out the location of installed files with the
>>>>> synaptic package manager if you look at the package properties. There is
>>>>> a tab which lists the installed files including path.
>>>>> Nils
>>>> Open your download window , click on the filename and choose open directory.
>>> I put in cd /. to change diecrory the /usr/share/doc/rutebook
>>> complaint is that this is a directory
>>> Doug
>> Here is the comand I typed in
>> /usr/share/doc/rutebook
>> below is bash reply
>> bash: /usr/share/doc/rutebook: is a directory
>> Does anyone see anything wrong with what I am doing?? looks right to me.
>> Doug
> Ok found this so the file is there but I don't know how to open it.
> -desktop:~$ ls /usr/share/doc/rutebook
> changelog.Debian.gz copyright html rute.pdf.gz
> Thanks Doug
"cd /usr/share/doc/rutebook"
"gunzip rute.pdf.gz"
You don't have to type rute.pdf.gz but type "gunzip ruTab}" (Tab is the
This will unzip rute.
Next see if you have the command acroread:
to do this type : "locate acroread"
This is the standard Adobe pdf-reader.
If it is available it normally is in a directory in your path.
Then, still in the directory rutebook type "acroread rute(Tab)" and you
can read the book.
If you don't have acroread you can use "evince rute.pdf"
If you want more information don't hesitate to ask.
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