change permitions in user home
glgxg at
Mon Aug 11 20:25:59 UTC 2008
On 08/11/2008 10:30 AM, Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 12:37 -0400, Doug Pollard wrote:
>> I need to change permissions on some of my user files. I have the
>> command but i need to know how to apply it to an individual file. Do I
>> click on the file and then put in the command. That dosn't seem to
>> work. Been reading all morning can find ways to change all the files
>> but not to single out an individual file. I have files that everybody
>> can write to ,read and exicute and I want to change just those files so
>> that I as the owner of them can write to them.
>> Thanks Doug
> In Nautllis you can right click on the file and change the permissions
> when you bring up the permission tab.
If I recall most of his problem files were root permission video files
that he'd made. So in order to do that in Nautilus:
Alt-F2: gksu nautilus
That will bring up Nautilus in the root mode.
Note to Doug: careful using that mode as you then have the ability to
delete and/or modify critical system files.
@Doug: _copy_ those 30 odd files that you are trying to change from the
root folder to their own folder in your home directory. In Nautilus turn
on permissions & owner viewing in the list columns so that you know
which files need to be changed: Edit|Preferences|List Columns|tick
'Owner' and 'Permissions'. Now you will be able to easily see the owner
and permissions of each file. To change the permissions, do as Smoot
suggests: right-click the file|Permissions|.
This might help you understand the permissions better:
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