List entries - gmail

Verde Denim tdldev at
Mon Aug 11 19:46:25 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk <
qrczak at> wrote:

> 2008/8/11 Verde Denim <tdldev at>:
> > The messages that I do get from the list come to the Inbox, so they are
> not
> > marked as Spam.
> The messages you send are not marked as spam either. You don't see
> them because you have already seen them when you wrote them.
> >> You don't get an additional copy because you already have the copy
> >> that you have sent. In the web interface it is inserted in the thread
> >> it is a part of. It can indeed be confusing if you access it via POP3.
> >
> > Of course, it's in the Sent box. But, if that were the logic behind it,
> why
> > could I set an option on the Ubuntu mailing list to 'have a copy of my
> > messages sent to me'... ?
> This setting applies to other providers than Gmail, which use a different
> logic.
> The Gmail logic is that messages are not put in separate folders. What
> looks like folders are really different views of the single set of all
> messages, or rather of conversations (threads) which contain messages.
> The same conversation and thus the same messages may appear in
> different views. For example a message you have sent to a mailing list
> appears both under the label of the mailing list (if you use labels
> for that) and among messages that you have sent. There is no need to
> have two copies of that message.
> This is different from the traditional Unix approach to mail, where
> each message may appear only in one folder, and thus it is typical to
> have one copy as the sent one and another as the received one. The
> confusion arises only where the two worlds meet, i.e. when you access
> Gmail via POP3, and it does not offer copies messages that have been
> already sent through it.

Ok. I'll grant that having multiple copies of emails is overkill, so I'd be
willing to live with the fact that, if I send a message to anyone, it will
not show up in the Inbox (which is the way every mail client i've ever seen
actually works). BUT, If I reply to a message on the Ubuntu list which has
not previously been sent to BOTH the list AND me personally, I don't see
these replies. I've replied to probably a dozen or more threads in the last
few days (not my own), and my replies dont' show up, either. So, in context
of those on the list, I'm not contributing anything to the community - just
asking questions...

I am currently only accessing the list via the gmail web interface - I'm not
sure which protocol that is using. If you can shed some light on this, maybe
it's a way to resolving this.


> --
> Marcin Kowalczyk
> qrczak at
> <>
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
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