List entries - gmail

Arthur H. Johnson II arthur.johnson at
Mon Aug 11 18:06:11 UTC 2008

Verde Denim wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Bas Roufs <basroufs at 
> <mailto:basroufs at>> wrote:
>     > does it. They even say that somewhere, they do this «to
>     avoid cluttering your mailbox» (!). Your messages are in your
>     _sent_ folder.
>     >
>     You are absolutely right. Of course, I use already a longer time the
>     sent folder in both POP3 and the web interface to find and archive my
>     own contributions to lists. But it still is a provisional, not very
>     satisfactory solution. I simply want to get direct feed-back from
>     a list
>     about my contributions sent to it.
>     > I'm using gmail myself, but I access it using the pop protocol
>     and evolution, so I'm not exactly sure how to handle it using the
>     web interface. However, in evolution what I did is to define a
>     filter looking for messages sent to the list both in the incoming
>     and outgoing folder. I imagine there is a similar workaround using
>     the google interface.
>     >
>     Another interesting suggestion for a provisional solution that
>     does not
>     solve the core issue.
>     The only thing I really want in this context is GMAIL to give me an
>     option to 'clutter my e-mail box' with my own contributions. So far I
>     did not manage to find such an option.
>     Bas.
> It doesn't appear that filtering even works! Really frustrating...
> What's amazingly absurd is that I advertised a couple of items for 
> sale on Craigslist, and ALL of those messages are coming through just 
> fine! "clutter up my mailbox, indeed"....
> What a crock.
> Jack
Yeah, I tried to get server side filtering going on Gmail, and to no 
avail.  It doesn't seem to support filtering, only "labeling".  The best 
I've ever done is filter using Thunderbird, but then I have to maintain 
two configs, which is pretty frustrating.

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