List entries - gmail

Leo Cacciari leo.cacciari at
Mon Aug 11 16:01:04 UTC 2008

Il giorno lun, 11/08/2008 alle 11.35 -0400, Verde Denim ha scritto:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Bas Roufs <basroufs at>
> wrote:
>         Hello everybody
>         > Is there a way to get my list entries/responses to show up
>         on the list?
>         > It seems that gmail either doesn't rate with the list or
>         gmail is
>         > somehow blocking my entries/responses from showing up.
>         I have exactly the same problem. To a few lists I subscribed 

> ù
This comes out every once in a while. Yes, someone is blocking you from
seeing your posts. gmail does it. They even say that somewhere, they do
this «to avoid cluttering your mailbox» (!). Your messages are in your
_sent_ folder. 

I'm using gmail myself, but I access it using the pop protocol and
evolution, so I'm not exactly sure how to handle it using the web
interface. However, in evolution what I did is to define a filter
looking for messages sent to the list both in the incoming and outgoing
folder. I imagine there is a similar workaround using the google


Leo Cacciari

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