download ubuntu8.04 iso

Doug Pollard dougpol1 at
Sun Aug 10 14:56:42 UTC 2008

William Witt wrote:
> On Sunday 10 August 2008 08:38:13 Doug Pollard wrote:
>> Debian wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2008-08-09 at 20:01 -0400, Doug Pollard wrote:
>>>> Got a mess here, have a lot of problems and getting worse.  Was trying
>>>> to use kino to capture video  and could not capture. Used sudo  to dv
>>>> capture files in my user home folder.  Bad move that!  Am getting error
>>>> messages and having problems with with Firefox and cannot down load to
>>>> desktop or other files.  I have so many problems I feel it best  to
>>>> download Ubuntu 8.04.1 iso in synaptic and reinstall.  Have all my data
>>>> saved on external hard drive.    The question is how or can I down load
>>>> iso file on synaptic.??
>>>>            Thanks,  Doug
>>> well you cant really download the *.iso file from will
>>> need to download it from the ubuntu website or from bittorrent
>>> from personal experience, i do not recommend reloading ubuntu straight
>>> from the repository..something usually happens where either the servers
>>> kick you off or the install breaks or something and it screws up the
>>> entire thing. IMHO if you really have to, its best to reload just using
>>> the CD
>>> --cj
>>     That is a part of my problem.  I can't download anything except in
>> synaptic or maybe apt -get.   I had video files  in user's Home  that
>> were root files. I captured them using sudo because I needed to burn
>> them to dvd.  I then made the mistake of copying them from root.
>> That seems to be causing all kinds of problems. My solution was to just
>> delete the files in user home and that did not solve the problem most of
>> them in Firefox.   I need to get things working as I have video to edit
>> and since there are so many problems I was thinking the quickest way to
>> get up and running might be to reinstall.  In truth I would much rather
>> fix it all in terminal.  I am busy reading the Ubuntu book as I just
>> don't have the skill to fix all the problems.
>>             Doug
> If you truly want to reload the system you can just create a new user to 
> download and burn the ISO.  However you should be able to fix your system from 
> the command line.  Basically, you need to reclaim the ownership of your home 
> directory.  Commands are as follows (be sure to replace all occurrences of 
> [username] with your user name) :
> cd /home
> sudo chown -R [username]:[username] [username]
> cd [username]
> sudo chown -R [username]:[username] .*
> -Line one changes to the home directory (obviously)
> -Line two recursively changes the ownership of your home directory to your 
> user and group.
> -Line four is there because I have had some issues with chown not modifying 
> hidden files and directories, so this will ensure it's done.
> Be careful with chown using it improperly can mess up a system pretty badly 
> (in short: know what you chown). 
> William
Ok  put in cd /home  Ok so far,   put in  sudo chown -R  doug:doug  
doug1    I thought this would change doug to doug1  Got an error 
message  Is one of these users to be the new user?  I don't understand 
this. Went to man and read for an hour but did not find and answer there.
                                           Thanks Doug

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