tangerine: Impossible to set multiple music directories

David Fox dfox94085 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 22:35:38 UTC 2008

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 4:18 AM, Jo Shields <directhex at apebox.org> wrote:
> Unfortunately, Tangerine uses "Nini" - a .ini file handling library - to handle
> configuration data. One quirk of .ini files is their comment character - the

Why should it require its own ini file handling? Does any other
package depend on hini?

> semicolon. As a result, as soon as a user puts their first delimiter into the
> config file, everything else on that line is ignored - meaning only the first
> item in the list is processed.

If that's the case, then it is so non-standard that the entire library
should be deprecated, as '#' has been the universal standard for
comment characters in configuration files as long as I can remember.

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