KDE4.1 & Seamonkey Issue

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 8 15:11:11 UTC 2008

On 08/08/2008 01:01 AM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Only menu format is different in KDE vs. Gnome. All
> have %u after the file name and firefox, which works
> in all aspects, has no work path and location is
> /usr/share/applications and the others have
> /home/lchata/.local/share/applications. All these dirs
> have the <file name>.desktop in it, nothing else. 

Those are the configuration files for the menu.

>> You can also enter a direct path: click the Browse
>> button, browse to
>> your SeaMonkey installation location (/usr/bin/) and
>> click on seamonkey.
>> That will place the command:
>> /usr/bin/seamonkey/seamonkey in the menu.
> Did this but I only see "/usr/bin" in my kde41. No
> difference in results.

That's why it isn't working from the menu. If 'seamonkey %u' is not
working, you need the entire path and program name in the command
section, it _must_ be: /usr/bin/seamonkey/seamonkey

See below.

>> Note: be sure to use the browse button to get to the
>> path/file as
>> sometimes (at least on Gnome) just putting in the
>> path and command
>> doesn't always work.
> Did this also, but the browse menu only shows
> non-hidden dirs, no /.files or dir are shown so I cant
> get to the hidden ones. I would change the location to
> /usr/share/applications for opera and seamonkey but
> there doesn't seem to be a method for doing this. 
> Don't think a "dpkg-reconfigure" would get anywhere; I
> just get a prompt back when I try it.  Open to any
> suggestions and will try them but maybe this is a
> candidate for a bug report.  Thanks for the help.

I'm betting that it will. If it is anything like Gnome, when you open
the browse window put the mouse over the file listings, right click and
check "show hidden files".

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