nm-applet shows working indefinitely

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Thu Aug 7 18:20:14 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 19:42 +0530, Ashish Yadav wrote:
> Deactivating device eth0
> SWITCH: no current connection, found better connection 'eth0'
> Will activate connection 'eth0'

It does that in my log, but rarely. My wlan device is (always)
"wlan0_rename" for some reason, and it also sometimes "found better
connection wlan0_rename".

This does not seem to be a problem per se.

> Also I can't see 'eth0' in System->Administration->Network

Hmmm, I'm on Intrepid already, and there the whole network GUI is
different, so I can't check if that's ok. 

What hardware do you use?

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