Kino problem

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Thu Aug 7 17:10:03 UTC 2008

On 08/07/2008 08:45 AM, Doug Pollard wrote:
> Well now, I think may have screwed up!  In a rush to get my video on 
> ubuntu from my camcorder . I used   GKsudo Kino  in order to get Kino  
> to capture. That put the file in a Root folder ( guess because of using 
> sudo ) and it seemed the thing to do was to pick up the files and drop 
> them in my user home folder.
> I guess this was a mistake.  Of course I would like to just erase the 
> files as a solution from user folder but have no idea that would solve 
> the problem.
>     Ubuntu now complains on start up:  Users$home/ dinrc file is being 
> ignored.  This prevents the default session and language from being 
> saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permisiones.  
> User$home:directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.
>     There is another thing that may or may not be related I am now also 
> getting on start up a bug report: Deskbar application crash collected.  
> I have sent it in a couple of times but get the same message on start 
> up.  Are theses seperate problems??
> Thanks Doug

I don't have a "dinrc" on my system. Use "chown <user> <filename>" to 
change the ownership of a file. Read "man chown"

Use this command to get a list of files in your home directory that are 
not owned by you:

find ~ \! -uid `id -u`

Incorrectly-owned files may affect almost any application--including the 

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