grub on usb?

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Aug 7 12:16:24 UTC 2008

James Takac wrote:

> I find myself in an interesting spot at the moment. I have an eee pc which
> I was dual booting 2 ubuntu's. one on the default drive and one on a 16
> gig usb drive. I reinstalled the default Xandros on the original drive and
> it seems there's no grub on the usb drive so I'm looking for either how to
> install grub on the usb stick or to modify grub on the xandros install to
> point to ubuntu on the usb stick as well allowing a dual boot

When it comes to booting from multiple devices, I've taken to installing
grub on each device, and chain load from the primary to the secondary.  So
you'd need to "grub-install" to the external (in either case - should be
just "grub-install --root-directory=/path-to-root-on-external /dev/xxx" ).
To chainload to the secondary, modify the primary's /boot/grub/menu.lst to
 title           External drive
 root            (hd1,0)
 chainloader     +1


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