nm-applet shows working indefinitely

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Wed Aug 6 16:30:34 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 18:36 +0530, Ashish Yadav wrote:
> From past few day after I
> logged onto systme nm-applet keeps showing working and network
> connection works some time and doesn't work some time unpredictably.
> Though it works quite fine in Windows and Ubuntu 8.04 Live CD.
> Any remedies?

Network Manager puts logging messages into /var/log/daemon.log (prefixed
with "<date> <time> <hostname> NetworkManager:"). Maybe you could check
this file and post the relevant log entries, that is, everything that
comes from NM, and covering a time span from "works" to "does not work"
and back to "works". Thanks.

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