Mouse wheel scroll down stopped working

Rashkae ubuntu at
Wed Aug 6 13:18:59 UTC 2008

Salih ML wrote:
> It is an idea.. :) But I don't think it is the problem.. This one is
> working well on the same laptop when I boot Windows.

Hmm, that is *very* odd then.  I would still think it worthwhile to
borrow another mouse to plug in the notebook before trying any software
tinkering.  Also, does your notebook have a touchpad? are you able to
disable the touchpad from your bios or a toggle button on the notebook
(the good ones have a touchpad turn off button)

Also, I've seen mention on the list with Hardy of solving some strange
mouse behaviour by disabling "keyboard mouse navigation", somewhere in
the Ubuntu System or Preferences menus (sorry, don't have Hardy in front
of me at the moment.)

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