Kino poblem

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Tue Aug 5 16:27:35 UTC 2008

Doug Pollard wrote:

> Markus Schönhaber wrote:

>> Is the user you try to access the device / run Kino with member of the
>> group "disk"?

> I don't understand what you are asking fore here?  How do I check 
> permissions to see as user what permissions I have in kino?

As I've written in my first reply: use
to get the groups listed the current user is member of. Use
id <username>
to get the groups for another user. Check whether for the relevant user
(the one you run Kino with, i. e. very likely the one you're using right
now) the output of the id command contains the group disk.
If that's not the case, add him to group disk.
If he already is member of disk, he should be able to read from and
write to the rwa1394 device - and I have no idea why Kino complains
about this being otherwise.

> Can you elaborate a little. Also what is proper here on this list?  Top posting or bottom?

Please bottom post. And only keep the parts of the original message you
 make a reference to in your reply. Doing a full quete is worse than


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