norman norman at
Tue Aug 5 16:09:31 UTC 2008

> > Ok, I've been through this so many times, "you have to press ESC", "Is
> > there", well no, its not, can anyone just PLEASE tell me how to UNINSTALL
> > Ubuntu, so I can get on Windows XP and re-install Ubuntu to dual boot,
> > Please do not tell me that I don't have to uninstall, because the fact of
> > the matter is, I really need do, so Please help me..
> No, you don't.  If you would do what people have TOLD you to do, we'd know
> what you need.  If, as some suspect, you've wiped out Windows, how do you
> think uninstalling Ubuntu will help?  If you need both and there is no
> Windows partition, then you're going to need to reinstall Windows, and
> there's no need to uninstall Ubuntu to do that.  otoh, if a Windows
> partition exists, it's a simple matter of editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, as
> you've been told at least twice.
> In either case, uninstalling ubuntu isn't going to get you closer to a
> solution.

Please forgive my ignorance in this problem but, providing that there
are no important files on the hard disc then the quickest and easiest
way of sorting things out is to re-install Windows thereby removing
Ubuntu and then install Ubuntu following the instructions on the screen.
This would give a dual boot system which would automatically boot into
Ubuntu and Windows would be accessed if Esc is pressed when booting
starts and Windows selected from the menu.

I hope this helps.


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