Kino poblem

Doug Pollard dougpol1 at
Tue Aug 5 14:05:19 UTC 2008

Sorry I didn't get back to this had a personal disater,  I put in ls -l 
/dev/raw1394 per instructions and recieved reply:     ls -l /dev/raw1394
crw-rw---- 1 root disk 171, 0 2008-08-05 09:45 /dev/raw1394
 I hope this means something to someone.

Markus Schönhaber wrote:
> Doug Pollard wrote:
>>     I installed Kino using synaptic, and with it I Installed raw 1394 
>> and dvgrab.   When I start Kino and click capture with my Sony camcorder 
>> connected through 1394 cable.  I recieve the message Warning: raw1394 
>> kernal not loaded or failure to read/write/dev/raw1394
>>     Kino apparently cannot see my camcorder.
> What does
> ls -l /dev/raw1394
> show?
> If the above command complains about "No such file or directory", try
> sudo modprobe raw1394
> Otherwise make sure that the user you try to access the device with has
> the rights to read/write to it, i. e. is in the appropriate group.
> id <username>
> will show the groups <username> is member of.
> Regards
>   mks

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