Fastest way to move Ubuntu from one (small) disk to a (bigger) disk?
Gilles Gravier
gilles at
Tue Aug 5 06:55:59 UTC 2008
Clonezilla worked fine! All nice and automatic.
David Vincent wrote:
> Gilles Gravier wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I need to move my Ubuntu system from one small disk to a bigger one.
> > What's the fastest way to do so? (If I can avoid a re-install, it's
> better).
> i'd use clonezilla which will walk you through a bunch of questions and
> then make it happen, or i'd use gparted on the systemrescuecd to copy
> the partition from the small drive to the bigger one.
> if you use gparted you can resize the partition on the new drive at the
> same time, save a step and probably some time to boot.
> -d
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