Flash support on multiple browsers?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Tue Aug 5 02:01:30 UTC 2008

Does anyone know if the ns-plugins to enable Konqueror to view flash 
files (youtube) relies on the adobe-nonfree plugin FireFox uses to view 
flash (also youtube)?

I've run into that glitch again in 8.04 (FF 3.0.1?) where playing a 
couple videos from youtube crashes firefox. Someone else on the list 
noticed different behavior with a different problem between firefox and 
konqueror, so I installed Konqueror and enabled flash through the 
ns-plugin, and instead of crashing Konqueror after a few videos the 
*plugin* appears to crash.

I was curious if this all stems back to Adobe's handling of the linux 
side of their code...didn't know what the latest news on this issue was 
or if anyone has had an update on how development/tracking of the 
problem has been coming along, or if others out there are living with 
this problem as well. I'm not sure what suddenly triggered the issue on 
my system again, it's a mostly clean install since I just reinstalled 
Ubuntu a couple weeks ago.

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